Sunday, October 17, 2010

WI Dells

Andrew had 3 days off of school last week, so we decided to make good use of it by taking the kids to the WI Dells for the 1st time. It was a blast! The kids are already trying to get us to go back right away. Here are some pictures from our time in the Dells:
With the Gorilla on the way to the water park:
Miss Jenna:
WaHOO! That was fun!
Bruce, Jenna (she's between the boys) & Andrew on one of the raft rides (the kids LOVED it!):
Andrew on the flow-rider:
Andrew amazed us by wanting to learn to 'surf' on the flow-rider. He did awesome! We were impressed that he could even do it, let alone wanted to do it more than once since you WILL wipe-out. He's still talking about it!
Jenna took a while to warm up to all the water spraying everywhere, but once she got used to it she loved climbing up the play structure & going down the big slides (over & over & over).
Both kids liked the wave pool, and lazy river, and kept requesting to go down the raft rides. Overall is was a great way to spend some of Andrew's time off & it was a great kick off to the weekend!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Apple orchard & fishing

We spent this past weekend enjoying the gorgeous weather we've been having. You really can't beat 80°F & sunny in October.
We kicked things off on Friday night with a bonfire, and had fun hanging out with the neighbors. Then Saturday morning we went down to our favorite apple orchard to pick up some more apples. We got there a 1/2 hour after they opened, and it was already busy! The kids played on the haystack & fed the animals. We had some yummy apple doughnuts, and went for a wagon ride. It was a great way to spend the morning.
Seeing "how tall this fall":

Playing on the hay pile:

Both kids enjoyed feeding the animals:

Wagon ride:

Saturday night we had another bonfire, and then Sunday after church we decided it was too perfect of a day to not spend at least a little bit of it out in the boat. So we went out on one of the local lakes for a few was really nice to not have to be all bundled up in order to be out on the water! The combination of the warm weather, calm water, and changing leaves was beautiful. The fish weren't very interested in biting, but we didn't mind.

Andrew even started to learn how to take fish off the hook (yea!). I think he liked the 'throwing' the fish back part the sure to look at the left hand side of the picture were it looks like he threw something - that black thing is the fish!

Fishing with Mom:

Sounds like we are in for some more great weather next weekend - we can't wait!