Monday, July 21, 2008

Out in the boat

We took the kids & Sadie out in the boat on Saturday was a blast. We weren't sure how Jenna would do with wearing a life jacket, or being confined to a boat, but she did awesome. I think having a big brother and puppy who were both ecstatic to be in the boat helped. She was very interested in fishing, and seemed to think she needed to hold the pole, so next time we'll bring her pole with us (since it floats!). We went out on Lake Elmo, and Andrew couldn't wait to get his life jacket on, and have the boat in the water. He fished for a while (even caught a bass), and then he and Jenna snacked for while. Jenna was pretty tuckered out, and ended up falling asleep on the way home. She slept thru putting the boat back in the garage, and unloading the Tahoe!

On Sunday Bruce's parents came up for the afternoon. We all enjoyed playing with the kids in the sandbox, and watching Andrew swim with the neighbor boys in their pool. The 3 boys are just about inseparable, so it's nice that they live next door. ;)

Here are some pics from this weekend:

Getting ready to go

Nice fishy,fishy.....

Jenna & her fish

It's a whopper!

Jenna is starting to "dress up" she is with her 'necklace' and 'microphone' - future rock star? We'll see!

And last but not least, here is why we need to take the batteries out of the power wheels when Andrew (& the neighbor boys) aren't using them!

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