Friday, September 26, 2008

Our peanut & a bee sting

Jenna had her 15 month well child check this morning. Andrew came with - just to make sure she was OK (he's such a good big brother). They had her step on the adult scale this time instead of using the baby scale. Andrew showed her what to do, and she stepped on it with no issues. It looks pretty funny to see someone her size on the scale. She weighed in at 20.6 pounds (15th % tile), and is 30 inches in length (50th % tile). She's a bit of a peanut. She was given 2 shots, which didn't go over very well, but other than the shots, and having her head measure, she didn't cry at all.

I found a 4-wheeler on Craig's list this week that's Jenna size too. She loves it! Now she trys to follow Andrew around on hers, versus trying to ride his.

Here's a pic of her on her new toy:

Now for the bee sting.....Andrew, Jenna and I were having push-ups for an afternoon snack today. The bees apparently wanted push-ups for snacks too, because they kept landing on us, or the ice cream. Andrew went to wipe his hand, and at the same time a bee landed on his shirt....which caused him to be stung on his finger. After tears, Benadryl, a band-aid, and some ice, he was doing better. Bruce and I were thankful he didn't have a reaction.

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