Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Jenna's 18 month Check & Andrew starts class

Yesterday we had Jenna's 18 month check-up. She wasn't very happy to be at the Dr.'s office and cried any time anyone came close to her. Luckily she didn't need any shots this time. Andrew was a big help by letting Dr. Dahl look into his ears, etc. to show Jenna it didn't hurt, unfortunately Jenna didn't believe him, and screamed anyway. We were glad she already had an appointment because she had been a little under the weather starting on Sunday night. Turns out she has an ear infection (only her 2nd one).

Here's her Stats:
Weight= 23.2 lbs (30 % tile)
Height = 32" (60% tile)

She moved up from the 20% tile for weight, but you'd never know it. I still can't get pants to stay up on her!

Andrew started his Sports sampler class at the Y last night. He liked it, but wanted to know why he couldn't go swimming in the pool..... Last night they did basketball, which was funny to see. It was more organized than I thought it would be (you never know with 3-5 year olds). He made Bruce laugh because when one of the teachers asked if anyone knew what shooting was, he said he knew how to shoot his gun. We'll be working on dribbling, and passing this week in the basement. When he 'passed' the ball, instead of bouncing it on the floor, he threw it up in the air (like you do in baseball & football), and ended up bumping his partner in the head (oops!).

1 comment:

Teresa and Kory said...

Too funny! I have the same pants problem with Emily. I'm worried for when she starts walking that she's going to walk right out of her pants! ha ha