Friday, August 21, 2009

Special delivery

First we picked up the mattress set from my cousin Jodi.
Here's Jenna in her bed the 1st night:
Then we had to take the crib down:

Last climb up the crib:

Looking cute in pig tails (she actually kept them in all day!):

Here's her new bedroom set:
We can change the face of the drawers to be 6 different colors (we were deciding on what to do in the picture above).
We are waiting on the comforter, but it should be here soon. I'll post a picture of it all put together once it arrives. We also have to put up a shelf, take down the clown mobile, and maybe put up a stuffed animal net.
Breaking in her new bed:
We hung out with Paul and Larissa on Sunday. They arrived just in time for the big delivery. Jenna amazed us by eating peas out of the garden (something she has refused to do), but would only eat them if Paul gave them to her (not Bruce). Andrew liked playing GI Joe and Transformers with Paul, and also managed a visit to Fleet Farm and a park while Jenna napped.Later we met up with Grandma & Grandpa Bongers for their 34th Anniversary.
Andrew has been enjoying playing with Bruce's old GI Joe's and Transformers. Although he did make Paul feel old when he asked what a tape of the transformers is a boombox and has smaller transformers that fit inside of it that look like little cassette tapes.

Here's our peanut sleeping in her big girl bed:

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