Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pre-Halloween festivities

We went to a couple of pre-halloween festivites this past weekend. The kids really enjoyed dressing up in their costumes.

On Saturday night we went to the state park in town with some friends. They had some games, face painting and then a story telling trail. The kids had fun, and it was nice to start out the Halloween fun w/ something that wasn't all about the candy. Here's the kids all lined up ready to go:

Here are Issac and Jenna feeding the baby bear puppet their glow sticks:
The next day after Andrew went to his friend Elijah's birthday party we went to the Y to meet up with Brady and Aiden for the Y Halloween party. The kids loved the bounce house, and the various gymanastics mats that they could climb on. Both of them were sporting red checks from all the running and bouncing shortly after we got there.
Sunday evening we carved our pumpkins....Andrew loved helping take the insides out, while Jenna just wanted to draw all over the pumpkins w/ her marker.
Today (Tuesday) they had their Halloween party at daycare. They were able to wear their costumes to daycare, and were the only ones that didn't take them off after their morning party....Jenna took hers off at nap time (becuase she had too), and Andrew didn't take his off until the end of the day.
One last picture (sorry there are a lot of them)....here's a picture of Jenna that I snapped from inside on Friday. After waiting all afternoon to go out in the snow to play, the 1st thing she did was go up on the deck and throw snow at the patio door....little stinker :)

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