Mouse in the Tahoe & an elf on the shelf! A mouse decided to take up residence in the Tahoe. We're not sure how he got in there, but we spent Friday afternoon taking everything out of the Tahoe, vacuuming up his mess, and then setting traps in it. We got him! Now we've set more traps just to make sure he was the only one (we're pretty sure he was).
We also adopted an elf (see pic below). He's one of Santa's helpers and will be reporting back to the north pole every night on how the kids behaved, and what they would like for Christmas. It's our 1st year doing "Elf on the Shelf", but so far the kids like it.
Introducing Sparkle Berry (the kids named him):
We put the Christmas tree up today.....
Here's Andrew w/ his ornament for this year:
Here are a couple of other pics from today: