Thursday, November 19, 2009

School Conferences

We had our 1st school conferences for Andrew yesterday....he's doing great (but we already knew that)! It was nice to have his teacher confirm what we already suspected.....we've got a very smart little boy. She said that she loves how consistent he is (attitude wise), and enjoys seeing his big smile every day. He does awesome at following directions, and listening even when there are several steps he needs to follow. She shared some of the artwork that they've been doing in class, and it was neat to see his coloring change as the weeks progressed (from a little outside the lines, to in the lines, and from everything 1 color to using different colors). He's showing interest in reading so she's helping him develop those skills, and is doing great with math.
Bruce and I are so proud of him!

1 comment:

Cori said...

What a big boy! Isn't it just amazing to watch them learn??