Thursday, January 7, 2010

Backseat conversations

At times the things we hear coming from the back seat due to the conversations the kids are having crack us we had two little tidbits that cracked us up.

I can't remember exactly what was being discussed this morning, but I do recall the following:
Andrew: God makes everything Jenna
Jenna: It MY sippy cup

Apparently she wasn't sharing her sippy with anyone :)

Tonight after picking them, the following conversation was held:

Jenna: I can't see
Me: That's because it's dark out
Jenna: I can't see
Andrew: Open your eyes

I don't know if she actually had her eyes closed or not, but if she did I guess that would have made it so she couldn't see :)

1 comment:

Teresa and Kory said...

That is a riot. I can't wait until Emily starts talking more!