Thursday, January 28, 2010

What a week

It's been an interesting and long week in our house. Lots of Dr visits unfortunately. On Monday, Jenna's nose decided to start running like a faucet, and then in the middle on the night/early morning on Tuesday she started running a temp, so Jenna and I stayed home on Tuesday. She was fine all morning, but then woke up from her nap complaining that her ear hurt.....which caused visit #2 to a Dr.'s office that day...she has an ear infection.
The 1st Dr. visit that day was for our yearly follow up for Andrew from when he had surgery as a baby. That went well and we were told we can maintain our yearly visits (yea!). Going to Children's always reminds us of how fortunate we are to have 2 happy, healthy kids. We also realize how lucky we are that we only have to go once a year as a follow up. There are lots of families that are there a lot more, and are dealing with a lot of difficult issues. A visit there always reminds us of how blessed we truly are.
Let's see...that brings us to Wednesday. On Wednesday when we picked Andrew up from school his teacher mentioned that after rest time, he was pretty upset because his top front teeth hurt. He's complained about his teeth hurting, being cracked and/or loose on and off for a couple of weeks, but we had chalked it up to him really wanting to loose a tooth since some of the neighbor boys are loosing theirs. We decided we should probably get him in and have it looked at, just to make sure there wasn't anything wrong.
So today (Thursday) we took him in to the dentist. Since it was a late in the day appointment, everyone came with. It was Jenna's 1st experience with a dentist office so she was full of questions, and was taking everything in. Luckily the hygienists and our dentist are really good with kids, so I think they made a good impression on Miss Jenna. Andrew did great, and they were even able to get a quick x-ray of his front teeth. The dentist thinks that he is grinding his front teeth while he sleeps, which in turn is causing them to hurt. This would explain why they typically hurt after nap time and when he wakes up in the morning. Unfortunately there isn't anything that can be done about it. Fortunately kids typically stop grinding their teeth once their adult teeth come only a couple more years, unless of course he stops on his own before then.
Tonight before bed, Andrew seemed a little warm (low fever), so I'm hoping that he's not coming down with whatever Jenna has. On top of the ear infection she's got an awful sounding cough (think smokers cough, but from a 2 year old). Hopefully it was just from all the wrestling he was doing with Bruce tonight :)
Tomorrow at school the kids get to dress in either their hibernation clothes (jammies) or migration clothes (beach wear) and he was really looking forward to wearing his PJ's to school. Plus he's got a play date on Saturday w/ one of his friends from school, and I'd hate to have to cancel it.
Here are some pictures of the kids from tonight. Here's Jenna in one of her new favorite shirts, testing out Andrew's Nerf shooting glasses:

Here's Andrew with one of the many paper airplanes he and Alex made this past weekend. Alex has the neatest book on paper airplanes. The boys (Bruce & Chad included) all seemed to enjoy testing out the different planes.
Hopefully we'll be able to get and/or stay healthy this weekend!


Teresa and Kory said...

Oh goodness. Sorry to hear everyone hasn't been feeling that well. Hope everyone is well soon.
I love that video of Jenna doing patty cake. So darn cute!

Cori said...

Hope everyone is feeling better! Sounds like what we've got in our house too...mostly Braenna so far, but I'm sure Mikaiya's turn will be soon! Can't wait to see you in about a month!!