Thursday, March 8, 2012

Snow day!

The kids had a snow day on leap day, and it was a lot of fun!  The kids played outside in the morning while Bruce cleared the driveway.  Andrew built a great snowman, and afterwards you could literally ring out his gloves!  Later we took Mikey out to play in the snow....he seemed to like it. Plus,  a snow day wouldn't be complete with out a snow ball fight.

Test drive in the sled
Our sled train
I don't know who thought this was funnier, Mikey or Jenna.  They both were all giggles & smiles.  Jenna thought it was pretty cool that she was pulling Mike, and he seemed to get a kick out of seeing her pull him along.

All smiles!

Cutie Pie
Splish Splash
Due to the rain, then snow, then rain; we had some water in the low spots in the yard.  Jenna loved running & jumping in the puddles.  You could literally wring out her outfit by the time we came in.

Dad & Mikey

Dad & Jenna
This was right after he pretended that he was going to float her across the ditch in the sled :-)  Notice all the water in the background.  Our ditch was full of water.

Snowball fight!

Still smiling!
Mikey loved watching the snowball fight & seemed to think it was funny.  He kept giggling every time the kids would run after Bruce.  Pretty sure next year, he'll be right there with them trying to throw snowballs at Dad.

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