Tuesday, April 24, 2012

New bikes

With all the warm weather that March brought us, the kids had their bikes out a lot.  After seeing them on their bikes, they both looked like giants compared to the bikes, so the Easter bunny decided to bring them new bikes.  Since bikes are pretty big, and they wouldn't really fit in his Easter wagon/basket; he sent Mom & Dad a message letting them know to pick up the bikes for him....what a smart bunny!
So part of spring break was spent bike shopping.  After what felt like way too many stores, we finally found 2 bikes everyone liked (at different stores of course!).

Andrew loves his new 'gear' bike (as he calls it), and Jenna loves her new bike too.  She quickly figured out that with white tires, if she slams on the brakes, not only is it fun to skid, but she leaves big white streaks on the driveway.

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