Monday, September 10, 2012

Belle Shores 2012

We had another great vacation at Belle Shores this year, filled with fishing, swimming, great weather & new friends.  

The 1st thing Mikey did was head to the water and throw rocks

Dropping the boat in.  The kids love that the tractor drops the boat in.
All the kids talked about was getting out in the kayaks once we got to the resort.  So the very 1st thing they did after getting the boat into the water, is take the kayaks out.

Jenna & Daddy
While they were kayaking, Mikey threw rocks & tried to figure out the waves.
The next day the kids & Bruce built a castle w/ motes, then a river system (of sorts).
Jenna liked to play on the fun bugs, and she's small enough that she can really make them move.  Mikey wanted to check them out too, so she let him climb on.  Instead of Jenna wiggling it, Bruce pulled them around.
Weeeeeeeeee! (can you hear his giggle?)
We went out fishing a few times as a family.  Everyone did really well, and we didn't have to remove hooks from anything other than fish, so every trip was a success!
Mikey checking out the minnows (he wasn't too sure about them)

Mikey's phone/computer/entertainment center (a.k.a. the fish finder)

What happens when you let Jenna put on her own sun screen
We took the kids to Evergreen Park one day to play, and they had a blast.  Here are some pictures of all the fun:
Bumper Boats!

Jumpy thing (this was prior to losing his shoe)

Jumpy thing (she LOVED this, and went on it a bunch)
Jenna riding the go cart w/ Daddy

Our 'little' racer
Water balloon fight w/ Dad

 So what does Mikey do during all this? He drove his toy boat around & threw rocks back into the landscaping.

Where's the water?

Back ya go!

Kiddos (7, 17 months, 5)
The kids participated in the resort fishing contest, and minnow races this year.  Andrew caught the most fish in the fishing contest, he was pretty excited.  With all the kids at the resort this year, the minnow races were fun to watch.
Mikey vs. Shawn (fellow toddler)
Jenna vs. Mikey (Jenna and her minnow, Kitchen, won)

Andrew vs. Belle (his buddy for the week)
The gang!
Here are some more pictures from some of our fishing excursions during the week:

Mikey's 1st fish (or 'sish' as he calls them)
One of Jenna fish from her fishing excursion w/ Daddy

Captain Andrew
Captain Jenna
A trip to Belle Shores isn't complete until you've stopped at the Dorset House for ice cream (at least once!):

Mikey really enjoyed the foot bath that we keep outside the cabin door to limit the amount of sand that makes it into the cabin.  The foot bath + rain puddles was extra fun!
Filling up the water can & dumping it out

After he couldn't fill up the can due to low water, he just dumped out the foot bath

Moving on to splashing in the puddle(s)

Decided it was easier to splash in more water & headed to the lake
During our stay we got to see rainbows 2 times!  It was pretty cool.  The 2nd time, it was a double rainbow! 

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