Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The end of an era....

Well, we did our part to help stimulate the economy last night.....we bought a new car. We no longer have the Eclipse. We were sad to see it go, but with over 181,000 miles on it, and knowing that we were going to need to do a little work on it within the next year it was time. We had it for a little over 9 years, and you'd never have know it:

Here's the new purchase, a 2009 Nissan Altima 2.5SL:

It's a little hard to see in the dark, but is dark gray (slate). It has a moon roof (yea!), and is definitely easier to get the kids in and out of. The kids like that it has an arm rest in the back with cup holders that they can both reach.

At home in the garage (above) and the the kids with their giant balloons (bellow):

They gave the kids balloons to entertain them and it worked great to keep track of them in the show room. We tied Jenna's to her jeans, and decided it was a great way to know where she was at....you'd just see the red balloon bobbing all over the place. She thought it was awesome that the balloon was following her everywhere.

1 comment:

Teresa and Kory said...

OMG! I didn't know you still had the eclipse. Wow...it still looked brand new. Congrats on the new car. It is very nice!!!