Monday, April 13, 2009

A little bit of sunshine

It appears as if Spring showed up (it's about time). We spent Friday and Saturday outside as much as possible, which was great. Bruce went to work putting away the winter stuff, and pulling out the summer items.
Andrew spent most of Friday afternoon and evening playing with the neighbor boys and driving his 4-wheeler and truck around. Saturday it was more of the same. I had the urge to organize the mudroom (including the closet) on Saturday morning so Bruce helped me with that. While we were doing that Miss Jenna enjoyed testing out different hats, mittens, and shoes. She found her pink Mary Janes which are now too small for her feet, and ended up throwing a fit because she couldn't get them on her feet. Apparently it was very traumatic that they no longer fit her. Later that day while Andrew was busy playing, Jenna figured out how to stand when she landed after going down the slide. We have a VERY fast slide, which just about shoots her across the sandbox so we typically catch her at the bottom of it, but she got up the play set and was down the slide before I could get there......the 1st time she landed on her butt, but then she figured out how to land on her feet - it was pretty funny. She'd go down the slide, land on her feet (looking like a gymnast that just stuck a landing) and then start clapping for herself.
We also dyed eggs on Saturday evening. The kids had a hard time being patient and letting the dye do it's thing so we washed their hair during the 1st batch of eggs, and gave them a bath during the 2nd batch. The eggs turned out very bright!
Jenna still wants to dress up in winter gear when we go outside, and is still trying to get us to pull her around in her sled....she doesn't seem to want to give up on winter! (she dressed herself for going outside):

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