Monday, April 6, 2009


Only in the Midwest......can you wake up with a few inches of snow (in April), and by 2 o'clock in the afternoon it was gone (except for the remnants of a snowman & the snow fort).

We all got up, ate breakfast, and then headed outside to play in the snow! It was one of the 1st times all winter that it was actually warm enough to go out and enjoy the snow.

First we built a snowman (he was taller than Bruce!):

Then Bruce & Andrew built a snow fort:

While they were building the fort, Jenna went down the slide (a lot):

We also made some changes to the mudroom to make it better fit how we use it.....or at least how we'd planned to use it

We're looking forward to being a little more organized, and not just throwing our coats on top of the bench. Plus being able to put the shoes under bench is going to be nice.....I'm getting tired of all of our shoes being in a big pile in front of it!

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