Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day weekend

We had a great Memorial day weekend, and hope that you did too. We didn't go anywhere, just hung out at home, but had a lot of fun, and got a few things done too.
We kicked off the weekend with planting the garden. Considering we had 2 'helpers' it went well. I now understand why my parents limited our 'help' to the making the mounds for the pumpkins, squash, and cucumbers, and then eventually planting the seeds with supervision. We finished our plantings last night (Monday) with Bruce and I planting the strawberries, and raspberries after the kids were in bed. Now we just need some rain....
Sunday Chad, Christy & the kids came up for a quick visit. It was warm enough that we pulled out the water toys, which everyone expect Jenna seemed to enjoy. She was not all that impressed with being squirted with water, and didn't seem to get why the big kids thought it was fun. She insisted on taking her shirt off when the boys took of theirs....I think we may have issues when she gets older! We let the kids make hot dogs over the fire for supper, and ended up having the neighbors come over to join us.
The girls swinging:

And they're off!

Monday, we had a nice relaxing day. Bruce started the day off with going fishing on the river with our neighbor. After lunch & naps we stopped at a few nurseries/green houses to start buying flowers for my pots, then my parents came up for the evening. The kids liked playing with Grandma & Grandpa Bongers. We finished the weekend off with a trip to Coldstone with them, what a great way to end the weekend :)

Here's a pic of Jenna & Grandma playing play-doh:

Jenna has decided she likes Thor now (a lot). I think he's wondering what he did to deserve all the excited screeches, giggles, hugs and kisses. He's still not sure what to think of the 4 wheeler & truck, but does seem to enjoy digging in the sandbox with the kids. Thor and Sadie were VERY ready for us to go to work on Tuesday. By the end of Monday you could tell they were both exhausted.
Here's how I found Thor on Monday morning....I think he's tired - don't you? Either that or he was trying to hide from Jenna :)

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