Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jenna's 2 year check-up

We took Jenna in for her 2 year check-up today......she did awesome - no crying what so ever - which is a huge change from her last check-up (lots of crying, when ever the Dr. or nurse would look at her). This time she stepped on the 'big kid' scale, and even climbed up on the table by herself (she's a bit of a monkey at times).
Here are her stats:
Weight - 25.4 lbs (30%)
Height - 34 1/2 inches (70%)

We're not sure where she stores her 25 lbs, since she barely fits in 18 months shorts (they still fall down at times), but at least she's healthy, and happy.

She also surprised us this morning by using the potty! Yep, she told me she wanted to sit on the potty (typically she only wants to sit on the potty to get an M&M), so I took in her & sat her down. After she was situated I told said "Ok Jenna, go potty and I'll go get your M&M"....and low and behold, what did she do? She went potty! YAY! She then requested her M&M and asked about Dora. I had told her if she starts to use the potty she could get Dora underwear...we may be going shopping this weekend, we'll see.
I know that we have a long way to go, but she's the type of kid that once she decides to do something she does it, so I'm hoping that she's now decided to start using the potty.

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