Sunday, March 14, 2010

I did it myself

After picking Andrew up from school on Friday, the kids and I made a trip to Target to pick up a few things. I bought them some popcorn, and they happily munched through out the store. When it was time to head home, Andrew said he was full, and threw his popcorn out, while Jenna wanted to bring hers with....she also asked me to put the tray on her car seat, which I didn't think much of since she had been insisting on having the tray put on all day. We had just gotten out of the parking lot when I heard "I did it myself"...."did what yourself Jenna?" "Poured it out! Now I can eat it all gone!" So I turned around to see what she had it is:At least she got it all on her tray! Plus she was so proud of herself for doing such a good job, there was no way I could have told her it wasn't a good idea ;)

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