Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Swimming lessons

Andrew and Jenna started swimming lessons tonight. We weren't sure how they were going to do since Andrew wasn't sure he wanted to take them, and has been really nervous in the water for the past year or two. Both kids did awesome!
Jenna is in a class that Bruce or I have to be in the water with her, and Andrew is on his own with his teacher. I wasn't sure how he'd do with seeing me in the water with Jenna and not him, but he did fine. His teacher said she could tell he was a little apprehensive of the water, but warmed up quickly. It was nice to be able to look over and see him splashing away and learning new things with a smile on his face. He even put his face in the water tonight (a big step for him!). Last time he was in lessons, there were some tears invovled, so this was a nice change. I think that it helps that his preschool teacher, Miss Cheryl, also teaches swimming lessons and prepped him for the lesson tonight, and asked him to tell her all about on Friday, when he sees her next.
This is Jenna's 1st swim class, and so far she seems to like it. She had a pretty big night since her teacher feels it's important to submerge the kids so they learn to hold their breath under water (in case they fall in). She wasn't very happy the 1st time the teacher pushed her under, but recovered quickly when the teacher had Jenna give her a high five, then pretended it caused her to fall over into the water. She went under a total of 4 times tonight, and did great with it. When the teacher asked the kids if they had fun Jenna answered with a loud "Yep!" so I guess she wasn't too traumatized.
Over all both Bruce and I were pleasantly surprised at how well it went, hopefully things continue to go well for the next 6 weeks!

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