Friday, May 14, 2010

Mother's day

On Saturday we invited both families up to our house for dinner. After eating the kids started to check out the treat bags that Grandma and Grandpa Fullerton gave them, which lead to this:
Andrew was the 1st to discover that the container had a giant cookie in it....Thor was really hoping Andrew would share with him ;)
After snacking on their cookies, both kids remembered the giant lollipops that Grandma Lila brought for them, and moved on to those.
Jenna showed us that having a lollipop as big as your head, may cause a bit of a sticky issue (the dot on her forehead is sucker too):
After getting cleaned up, they took a break from playing to take a picture w/ the Grandma's and their Mother's day flowers:
On Mother's day the kids slept in a little (they almost made it to 7). While getting ready for the day, Bruce and I noticed it had gotten pretty quiet, so we went to check on the kids. Here's how we found them:
Andrew was 'reading' Jenna a book :) It was really sweet. They continued to melt my heart by walking downstairs hand in hand.
Andrew made a gift for me at school, so he was bursting with excitement/anticipation to give it to me.
He had planted flowers (zinnias) in a little pink pot, and also did a special piece of artwork:
I thought it was really cool. The flowers are doing well....even tho they spent a few days in a bag , and should be ready to plant outside soon.
We spent the rest of the day on Sunday buying and planting flowers, and planting the garden.

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