Thursday, May 6, 2010

School Carnival

Andrew's school had their annual spring carnival. The kids had a blast playing the games, jumping in the bounce houses, and visiting the animals in the petting zoo.
Here are some pictures of the kids with the animals at the petting zoo:

Jenna getting brave and attempting to pet a goat
Petting one of the bunnies (he was huge!)
Andrew and his buddy Jarrett. It was their goal to pet each of the animals....they almost made it, neither one of them was willing to pet the turkey :)
One of Andrew's classmate's dad makes ice sculptures. Here are the kids with the sculpture he made for the festival (it was inside during the carnival, this was taken after).

The kids had a lot of fun, and it helped the school raise enough money so they can build an outdoor play village (yay!).

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