Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Spring Program & T-ball

Andrew had his 1st T-ball game tonight, and also had his Spring program @ school, so it was a very busy night at our house. Unfortunately the baseball game and program were almost at the exact same times, so he didn't get to play T-ball for very long. He was there for the 1st inning, and had a blast. The dads did a great job of keeping the kids focused (as much as you can focus 4 & 5 year olds), and it looked like everyone was having fun. They have their 2nd game tomorrow (Wednesday) night, and Andrew is looking forward to being there for the entire game.

His Spring program was really cute. Each class wore a differnt color T-shirt, and they sang some really cute songs. The theme was spring rainbows, and due to short downpout (that missed T-ball but hit our house & school) there was a beutiful rainbow right before the program.

Here's some video of one of the songs (purple people eater). The kids were really excited about this song, not only becuase it's fun, they got to sing with a band :)

Jenna kept sneaking closer to the front, but eventually settle in the aisle with some other kids. She loved the songs, but we think her favorite part was clapping - she takes it very seriously:

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