Tuesday, June 22, 2010

3 years old!

Jenna woke up on Monday morning and announced "I'm three, for real", and also reminded us that since it was her real birthday she wanted to go out for supper, and she got to pick where. She decided to wear her party dress (instead of the Birthday girl t-shirt I picked), and was lucky enough to stay home with Dad and Andrew for the day. After getting dressed, and waking up Andrew, we headed downstairs to open presents.
"supervising" car seat assembly:

Birthday Girl seeing if her new car seat 'fit':

Testing out the chalkboard side of her new easel:
Sharing the dry erase side w/ Andrew:
Every time we asked Jenna where she wanted to go out for supper at she'd give us a different answer. It was everything from McDonald's, Wendy's, Chilli's, Apple Bee's and Perkins. Somehow right as we were leaving she decided on Chipotle. We we're surprised, but happy that we didn't have to eat McDonald's :)
The kids got a little silly in the car on the way to Chipotle:
Here she is waiting for her quesadilla to cool down:

Jenna loves her new big girl car seat, and loves to put her window down:

Next up - pink cupcakes for the birthday girl:

I'm not sure why I waste my time making her cupcakes and/or cake...all she wants is the frosting. One of her favorite treats is putting frosting on a graham cracker.
Here she is picking the frosting off her cupcake:

She did take 1 bite of her cupcake.....

I think she had a great birthday, and liked staying home w/ Daddy for the day. She's turning into such a little girl, and is definitely not a 'baby' any more. She'll talk your ear off, and has her own opinions and ideas of how things are supposed to be, and is not afraid to let you know what they are. She's in her 'why' stage right now, which can be trying at times, but I know she's learning a ton. She also loves to ask people what their name is, which is typically followed up with "are you a boy or girl?" or "why?". She's our fearless kid, and I know her independence will serve her well when she's older. She's so full of energy, and is determined to live life to it's fullest, which is great. We are very blessed to have such a great little girl.

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