Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Andrew's 5 year stats

Andrew had his 5 year check up yesterday, and did great at it. He was very excited about this appointment because he knew it was also his kindergarten check-up, and didn't even seem nervous about the shots that he knew were coming.
He answered all of Dr. Dahl's questions, and didn't even cry when they gave him the shots (1 in each leg) just told me it hurt.

Here are his 5 year stats:
weight - 48 lbs (85%)
height - 46 1/4 inches or 3 feet 10 1/4 inches (97%)

Yep, he's going to be a tall kid, and if his eating habits this week are any indication, he's on another growth spurt! Uncle Nick better watch out, because he may have some company at his elevation in the future :)

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