Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Birthday Party

We had the family party for the kids this past weekend. They had a blast hanging out with everyone and playing with all their cool new toys. Jenna kept asking over and over when her Uncles were coming to see her, since she knew the party would start when they got there. Needless to say she was very excited to see Lynn & Tom drive down the driveway. Here are some picture from Saturday:

Jenna's Cake:

Birthday Girl:

Present time:
Blowing out the candles (it took a few tries, and a little help from Andrew):

Andrew w/ Uncle Tom & Grandpa, figuring out the new soccer set:

How Jenna plays Goalie (also why Andrew won't play soccer w/ her):

Jenna & Grandpa playing with the air rocket:

As a special treat the kids go to stay up extra late (10:30) and hang out at the bonfire.
Both of them loved it, but Miss Jenna was a bit of a handful the next day since she still woke up at 6:30. An early nap helped a bit with the tantrums, but we won't be letting her stay up that late again (at least for a while), it made for a long Father's day for Bruce.

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